Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 3 - Manchester by the Sea - 25 bicycle miles

Gordz showing off his Pirate's grin at Singing Beach, Manchester

Singing Beach was surprisingly quiet (and nice)
A cruise ship entering Gloucester harbor? Seemed out of place in this fishing town.

At Gloucester, we saw this 'ElliptiGO' bicycle (foreground).  The rider stands up-almost like running-on this elliptical powered bike.   Later, as we were riding over to Essex, the dude blew by us!  It works!

Gordz had taken a kayak out to an island (behind him) in Gloucester another day

 If you've ever had their fried clams, you know why the sun rises and sets on Woodman's in Essex.  And the  delicious aroma wafted through the entire town!

 Too tired to even smile at the end of the day-the old man looks ready to collapse!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 2 - Litchfield, Maine - 18 bicycle miles

The Black Crow Bakery bakes really wicked good cookies and genuine wholesome breads.
Litchfielders don't just mosey around.  The town fathers had to post a speed limit on this ATM.
Litchfield is a tres avant-garde community where local artists display their creations for free.
Potter's field is in Litchfield, too.  (Well, Potters Brook...)
Welcome to Purgatory.  Last ride was in Satan's Kingdom.  What'd I do?
So far...Sooo Good.  Awesome ice cream and Litchfield's premier attraction!
The Country S ore does a really big business despite it's name.
People come from all around to Litchfield's own Tractor Mile!
Even the side roads in Litchfield are safe and well posted!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 1 Northfield, MA to Brattleboro, VT (and back)

July 11, 2012 - 50 miles by bicycle.

Our ride began in Northfield through landscapes like this
We saw a few Budda statues like this one 

The Blueberry Haus's blueberry-banana smoothies were awesome!

We officially entered Satan's Kingdom after crossing the Connecticut River

Gordon staying connected.  It was hot!

VBS at the Blueberry Haus.  The kids got an ice cream cone after.

Melchen road (to the left).   This one was a leg-breaker!

Chief Red Face demonstrates how not to wear a helmet in front of Round Top mountain, the highest point in Brattleboro.

Gordz by the Vermont Yankee exit.  What we got to see of Vermont Yankee
was awesome, even though it was only the giant steam plumes
shooting skyward above the surrounding trees!

The water lilys were an attractive veneer for  this
dark and swampy pond in Satan's Kingdom.
The Vernon Dam on the Connecticut is massive.  There is a hydro-electric plant
 (to the left) and a fish ladder.

We rode through scenery like this all day.
We got cold drinks at this Northfield store after the ride.
I was too tired to do anything but sit and read.  
Near the end of our ride, when we were the hottest and tiredest,
Gordz spotted this spring and pulled over to cool off.

Friday, April 27, 2012

2012 Pure Water Ride

The pure water ride asks for and needs your support to provide clean healthy drinking water for people who have only dirty, unhealthy water.  Please give what you can.  100% of your donation goes directly to the charities we support who will give you a receipt for your tax-deductible donation.  We support charities who provide clean water in the Dominican Republic and in Cameroon, Africa.

The pure water ride is a 250-300 mile bike ride between Massachusetts and Canada, and is done a day at a time during the summer and fall months  Some by bicycle, and some by motorcycle. The Pure Water Ride gladly accepts donations at any time.  Or you may make a pledge for so much per mile-whatever you decide.  To pledge, send an email to:  We will post miles total miles covered with each day's report.  Whether you donate now or later you will be helping people to avoid disease and to enjoy good health through healthy water!

Thank you!