Sunday, January 2, 2011

Looking Back and Looking Ahead

AP, May 1, 2010
BOSTON — Water to 2 million people in Boston and about three dozen suburbs is temporarily unsuitable for drinking after a break in a pipe that connects a major suburban reservoir to the city.

State officials say the break in the 10-foot diameter pipe in the suburb of Weston is leaking water into the Charles River at a rate of 8 million gallons per hour. The pipe connects to the Quabbin Reservoir.

The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority has activated emergency water supplies from various reservoirs for bathing, flushing and fire protection. But that water isn't suitable for drinking, so a boil-water order has been imposed in 38 communities east of Weston.

Authority engineers are on the scene of the break. Gov. Deval Patrick, who has declared a state of emergency, says it's too soon to know when the break might be repaired.

I remember signs on all the bubblers, bathroom sinks, and water taps at work, "Water temporarily unsafe to drink". Lexington, where I work, was one of the 38 communities affected. It was an annoyance and an inconvience, but plenty of bottled water was available.

Imagine what it's like in many parts of the world where all the water is unsafe to drink. Waterborne diseases such as cholera and diptheria are a major cause of death worldwide, killing more than 2 million people every year, most of them children.

Your donation helps to provide safe water for more and more people. Samaritan's Purse, one of the charities we support, sent 20 community-sized water filters to Haiti immediately after the earthquakes, each one capable of supplying clean water for 1,000 people per day. This is a major step in preventing the spread of cholera and other diseases.

Thank you. Together let's make unsafe water history. Have an awesome year!